CMAC - Membership - CMAC

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CMAC - Membership

CMAC is a voluntary association of martial arts practitioners who also share a common faith in Jesus Christ.  CMAC offers membership for individuals and schools.  Membership dues are annual dues to help support the ongoing ministry efforts of CMAC to the martial arts community.  The criteria for each level of membership is listed below:

Membership Resources

Members must adhere to the CMAC tenets of faith and complete a membership application. Membership in CMAC is voluntary and is not considered an endorsement of an individual or school’s character, conduct or belief system. All members are asked to sign a statement of faith and encouraged to live a lifestyle consistent with the example set by Jesus Christ.

NOTE: CMAC membership is not an endorsement of a specific church or denomination, nor does it authorize the member to act as an officer, director, or staff member of the Christian Martial Arts Council or TNT Ministries, Inc. School membership does not constitute the establishment of a 501(c)3 tax-exempt relationship between the individual or school. Any questions regarding member status can be directed to the CMAC corporate office.
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